Reflections Dunn on Canvas
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2024 Shows

July - July 12, 2024


The Battlefords Art Club 

16 artists displaying

Thursday, July 11th  10:30 - 8:00

Friday,  July 12th  10:30 - 4:00

At the Chapel Gallery

891 99th Street

North Battleford, SK

Call Jean for more info  306 441-8047

Gallery Members 2024 Summer Exhibition
July - September 03, 2024

Lots of interesting pieces on display!


Chapel Gallery

891 99th Street

North Battleford,  SK

Cochin Days Craft & Trade Sale
August - August 10, 2024

A new one for me!


11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Cochin Community Hall

Cochin, SK

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